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Brodie Farms YT
Dixie Deere
Cox Farms
Aj Awesome

LIVE Stats

Registrations: 13651
Farmable Acreage: 649155.96
Owned Land NAV: $1,104,899,943.00
Acres Harvested: 223244.63
Contracts Completed: 595724


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Thanks to the generosity and friendships we've all made together, FSN has grown to nearly 200 servers, help us continue to grow the FSN Family!

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LIVE Happenings
Houmr9 placed a bid of $79,100.00 on auction #15786 on behalf of JZD 24 HB
Tylenius1 with Agro Baltic has requested a fund transfer for their farm on server # 352.
DrummerFarms with Drummer Commodity Brokerage has just sold 500000 of sorghum on C5 Creek ND.
DrummerFarms with Drummer Commodity Brokerage has just sold 500000 of sorghum on C5 Creek ND.
DrummerFarms with Drummer Commodity Brokerage has just sold 500000 of sorghum on C5 Creek ND.
BillyD53 with Big D Ranch has just sold 400000 of soy on Stony Brook.

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